Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Some Old poetry

I got some old stuff when I was in a poetry, so unlike me. Still I got quite a few and I thought I would cut and paste some. Unfiltered means I'll show all sides of me. Love some feedback!

that we would not slip

hate, despise, and take no delight
Lord, let not these feeling be made against us,
O' that our worship be not a stench

may we not be hypocrites...pleasing you by our good deeds
O' that our dress, our smiles, our attendance in your courts,
be not like burnt or grain offerings

Lord, that our hearts are broken and contrite
may our music, our songs, overflow with devotion...
and repentence, or you will not hear

O' that we would not slip...stumble as the saints of old,
may we trust in Your grace, and not in ourselves,
knowing that we're to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God

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