Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thoughts on Woody Allen

Okay here goes my first blog. I have no particular plan or long term objective other than trying to give some insight into the mind of one who identifies himself as a Christian. I know people have different perceptions of what a Christian is like, and that is fine. I just thought it might be helpful if I could give you some insight into one particular Christian (this being me) and letting down my guard so you can see the subtitles that go on in my head. We all have subtitles, you know the ones Woody Allen shows in his classic "Annie Hall." We all show one side of ourselves to others, (Hi Bill, nice to see you....boy that guy is a real jerk) yet this does not really show who we are (sometime for very good But I think to give credibility to the reality of a person of the Christian faith, we do need to share our raw, authentic side to those who may not have any faith at all or one that we as Christians may not understand. I think this is a way to gain trust to those who struggle on this earthly journey, thinking inside in their own subtitles (boy, am I a freaking mess), that Christians too often are quite a mess. I hope to do this in a way that is encouraging and I hope my writing improves along the way