Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Groom's Intention

being here, the wedding of a close friend,
it's a beautiful day;
the sun, the backdrop of boats on the ocean...
all is perfect and right in the world.

the message...the charge given to the groom.
at first it's just background music,
my thoughts are simply of the peace of the day,
even the ant walking on my sandal, well, i'm content to leave him be.

yet then words hit me...gravity like an apple
falling from a tree,
INTENTION, the groom chose his bride purposely,
with that...a singular event, a wedding, brought to me the wider context.

it was a purposeful act, done with intention,
Our Father set out do find a bride for His beloved son,
that bride is the church...those who are chosen,
and the bridegroom is Our Lord Jesus...and He who calls us is faithful.

but this marriage is not secured by a ring...not even the most
loftiest of carats, no it's bought by a willing sacrifice,
a groom laying down His life for His bride, securing a marriage
that will last all through eternity.

and the INTENTION is this, one that should not fail to capture
the brides love and adoration,
the sacrifice...a degrading death on a cross,
was not intended that all men COULD be saved,
no, its INTENTION was that the groom's bride WOULD be saved.

Matthew 1:21 "And she will bring forth a son, and you shall call His name
Jesus, for He WILL save HIS people from their sins."

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